1. 序樂
让我们谦卑在神面前,承认我们的罪:聖潔的上帝,慈悲的天父,按您的憐憫,眷顧我這個罪人. 我的心思,言語,行為犯罪得罪了你,也覺得心中有什麼隱惡,我願意在你面前承認自己的罪,哀求天父因耶穌基督的功勞給我忍耐,饒恕我所有的罪,讓我敬畏你,愛你,勝過愛世上的一切。
3. 经训:徒 20:17-38,默想:合神心意的長老
親愛的弟兄姊妹們, 既然聖靈與我們的心同證鄭弟兄是聖靈親自興起的一個合適的長老人選,況且,鄭弟兄已經在本教會擔任長老有6年以上,07年休息一年以後又擔任了兩年多。今天教會再次委任是為了糾正兩年前一個行政上的疏忽,經教會查考,他並無信仰、道德和基督徒操守方面的過犯。教會理當按照聖經的原則和章程的規定,規規矩矩地按著次序行事,恭敬、慎重地來舉行委任儀式。
(1) 你是否願意接受長老之聖職,忠於神,忠於聖經和教會的信仰,遵行聖經真理,傳揚福音,建立教會?
(2) 你是否願意遵守北歐華人教會《章程》,順服教牧團的屬靈帶領和長執會的行政規範,按照本堂的異象和價值觀,與眾同工和弟兄姊妹一起謙卑服事神,服事教會和神所託付的群羊,努力完成長老的職責?
(3) 你是否願意與神建立親密關係,靈修、禱告、讀經,效法大牧者耶穌基督的榜樣,過聖潔的生活,在神和人面前存無愧的良心,並在家庭、教會、社會生活和工作中榮耀父神,為主作美好的見證?
10. 歡迎鄭長老
(2)會友代表歡迎(陸海雲弟兄):彼前 5:1 “我這作長老、作基督受苦的見證、同享後來所要顯現之榮耀的,勸你們中間與我同作長老的人: 2 務要牧養在你們中間 神的群羊,按著 神旨意照管他們;不是出於勉強,乃是出於甘心;也不是因為貪財,乃是出於樂意;3 也不是轄制所託付你們的,乃是作群羊的榜樣。4 到了牧長顯現的時候,你們必得那永不衰殘的榮耀冠冕。”
a.帖前 5:12 弟兄們,我們勸你們敬重那在你們中間勞苦的人,就是在主裏面治理你們、勸戒你們的;5:13 又因他們所作的工,用愛心格外尊重他們;你們也要彼此和睦。
b.提前 5:17 那善於管理教會的長老,當以為配受加倍的敬奉;那勞苦傳道教導人的,更當如此。…… 5:19 控告長老的呈子,非有兩三個見證就不要收。 20 犯罪的人,當在眾人面前責備他,叫其餘的人也可以懼怕。
c.約 12:26 若有人服事我,就當跟從我;我在哪里,服事我的人也要在哪里;若有人服事我,我父必尊重他。
12. 鄭長老感言
民 6:24 ‘愿耶和华赐福给你,保护你;25 愿耶和华使他的脸光照你,赐恩给你; 26 愿耶和华向你仰脸,赐你平安。’ 4Mos6:24 Herren velsigne deg og bevare deg! 25 Herren la sitt ansikt lyse over deg og være deg nådig! 26 Herren løfte sitt åsyn på deg og gi deg fred!
English Program
The appointment of Brother Yat Yiu Cheng as the Elder of the Church
Scandinavia Chinese Christian Church in Oslo
Sunday, 30 May 2010
By Pastor Xida Chen
1. Song: The Youth Fellowship
2. Confessing of sins
La oss bøye oss for Gud og bekjenne våre synder. All: Herre, vår Gud, du kjenner oss og elsker oss alle. Du vet at vi har gjort deg i mot.Vi har glemt deg og det du vil vi skal gjøre.Vi har tenkt mer på oss selv enn på andre.Tilgi oss, for Jesu skyld.
3. Scripture Reading: Act 20: 17-38
4. Meditation: Being a god elder in the eyes of God
5. Presentation
(1) Personal willingness to the elder ministry;
(2) Church recomendation
Dear brothers and sisters, Our hearts all confirmed the fact that brother Cheng is the suitable spiritual leader raised by God himself and is the right candidate to be elder of our church. He has already serviced the church for 6 years, retired from the position for one year in 2007, and returned to the position from 2008 up to now. But when he entered into the second term, the board of deacons has forgotten to announce to the congregation and vote for it according to the church constitution. The board has officially expressed the apology for the administrative mistake and now we are correcting it and do it properly according to the Biblical principles and the Constitution.
6. Ministry vows
Dear brother Cheng, you will once again be appointed to be the elder of this church, I now want to ask you three questions and please answer them truthfully in the presence of God and his holy church:
(1) Are you willing to be the elder, to be faithful to God, to the Bible and to the beliefs of the Church. Act and build the church according to the Biblical truth?
With Lord’s mercy, I do!
(2) Are you willing in your ministry to act according to the SCCC constitution, submit yourself to the authority of the Vision and Values of our church, to the spiritual guidance of the Pastoral Committee and to the rules and regulations of the Board of Deacons, and serve God and his church in humility and love, work hard to fulfill the role of elder to ministry the flock God has entrusted to you?
In Lord’s love, I do
(3) Do you wish to have a close relationship with God through reading of the Bible, prayer, and following the steps of the great Shepherd Jesus Christ, to live a holy and unworldly life in the presence of God and of people in the family, in the Church, in social life and the work places, to glorify God and bare good witness?
With the power of the Lord, I do!
7. Laying of hands
Since you have publicly announced your willingness in the presence of God and the Church , I am going to pray for you by laying of hands on you to appoint you as the elder of the church:
Brother Yat Yiu CHENG, In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit I here to appoint you as the Elder of the Scandinavia Chinese Christian Church in Oslo. May the spirit that has inspired all elders throughout the history of the church also inspires you now, so that you can be strong and courages to sacrifice your life for the Lord. May the love, faith, hope and endurance of the great Shepherd our Lord Jesus Christ also encourages you to be faithful to serve the Lord and ministry his flock. May the rich gifts of the Holy Spirit also be given to you to make you powerful to the extention of the Kingdom of God; May the blessing, promises and eternal happiness God has granted to his servants and those who love him be also given to you and your family, so that you can leave everything behind and run towards the goal in front of you.
I pray to the Almighty Father, to bless this servant, may the Lord gives him wisdom and understanding to minister God’s church in accordance with the will of God. May the Lord give him strength to be example in faith, love, patience, in words and action and in holiness. Be merciful Lord to his weakness and enpower him with your mighty hands, so that he can love God and people with all his hearts and all his mind. May the faith can be strengthened among God people in the church, and love be accomplished in and out of the church because of his life and work. May the glory be to the One God, God the Father, God The son and God the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
8. Intercession
Everyone can come forward or stand on the seats to pray for him and Evangelist Emma to close the pray at the end.
9. Official Announcement
Dear brother CHENG, According to the biblical teaching and the church Constitution, we have appointed you as the elder of this church. The term of your elders is three years, is renewable once, after one year, you may be appointed again. The elders is the overseaer. You are responsible for protection of sound doctrine of faith, is in position to maintain order and discipline of the church, to assistance the Pastor and evangelist in ministry, to proclaim God’s Word and to shepherd the church; when the pastor, and evangelist are absent you are in position to fulfill their roles. When you are in the term as the Elder, you are the legal member of the Pastoral Committee. Now I declair in the name of Jesus, from today and on, brother Yat Yiu-Cheng is the Elder of the SCCC in Oslo. Let me first of all welcome you back to the Pastoral committee to serve God and his church together with us.
10. Welcome
(1) Lu Hai Yun: on behalf of the member of the congregation to read First Peter 5: 1-4
(2) The whole congregation reads the bible teaching about the elder
1 Tess 5: 12; 1 Tim 5: 13 ; Joh 5: 17
(3) Welcome from the Board of Deacons
11. The word from Elder Cheng
12. Lords prayer
13. Blessing
4Mos6:24 Herren velsigne deg og bevare deg! 25 Herren la sitt ansikt lyse over deg og være deg nådig! 26 Herren løfte sitt åsyn på deg og gi deg fred!