
家 園 訊 息 Announcemen 歡迎各位新朋友,各位長者和朋友參加崇拜。Welcome all to participate in worship。
→ 宣教專題講座: 崇拜後在三樓,Knud Jørgensen牧師主講“聖經與宣教”專題,他將從教會歷史到當前宣教做概括介紹,對開闊大家眼界非常有幫助,歡迎所有人參加,時間:13.00-14.30。 特別感謝Knud 牧師的擺上。Special topic on Bible and Mission will be given by Pastor Knud Jørgensen after the service from 13.00-14.30, all are welcome. Special thanks to Pastor Knud’spresentation and helping heart.
→ 復活節崇拜照常:下週五、六將有廣東話復活營,聯合學人復活營將在Helsinki舉行,青少年復活營將在Stockholm舉行,本堂崇拜照常进行。
There will be three different Easter camps in Oslo, Helsink and Stockholm, but the Easter Sunday service will be held as usual.
→ 夏令會新場地:北歐聯合理事會決定從2017年開始,聯合夏令會將改到Hamar的Hedmarktoppen Folkehøyskole舉行。場地可容納更多人數,而且價格要比老的場地便宜很多,感謝神。
From 2017 the NCCC summer camp will be held in Hedmarktoppen Folkehøyskole, and will be organized by the Oslo congregation.
→ 第二次聘牧分享會:將在4月3日崇拜後舉行,Ivy傳道夫婦將通過Skype與大家見面,請預留時間參加,並繼續專注、代禱。
The next information meeting about the hiring new missionaries will be on the 3 April where Ivy and Glen will appear in the screen through Skype to meet us.
→ 青少年專題:4月10日Stockholm堂的羅牧師將來本堂講道,崇拜後主講下一代事工專題,他是北歐聯合青少年事工的負責牧者,從事下一代事工有很多年,請大家留時間聽講提問,關注此事。
Special topic on the NCCC youth work will be given by Pastor Lo from Schockholm. He has been the youth pastor for many years. Please come to listen and learn about the next generation ministry.
→參觀挪威的宣教機構活動:4月4日18.00-21.00 宣教部將組織參觀Areopagos,將有專題介紹宣教歷史及該機構在香港、大陸和挪威、丹麥的福音事工,大家也可以多認識他們的工作、所面對的挑戰和需要。有預備簡餐,報名: 楊洪弟兄。Visit to mission organization
Areopagos on 4 April to learn about history and present work in HongKong,Mainland China, Norway and Denmark. Sign up to brother Yang Hong for food preparation.
→ 牧者行蹤 Where about
Pastor Chen will be with the student camp in Helsinki and preach in the church during the Easter.
代禱事項 Prayer Requests:
1) 為身體軟弱和東手術的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主醫治和幫助早日康復。
Pray for the sick and whose who had operations. May God comfort and help recover from the sickness.May God protect families and marriage, and bless all children.
2) 為各項復活營的籌備和牧者預備的資訊禱告,求主借此造就教會。
Pray for three Easter camps especially those speakers who are to deliver God’s Word.
3) 為教會宣教異象和弟兄姊妹們的宣教心志禱告,求主讓大家看到國度的需要和挑戰。
Pray for the missionary vision of the church where everyone can see the needs and challenges in God’s kingdom in the world.